Tek rruga e Dibres,tek Shkolla e Bashkuar jepet ambjent me qera me siperfaqe hipotekore 70 m2. Ambjenti eshte i pershtatshem per Zyra, Parukeri, Mini-Markete etj..
Zona ku ndodhet ka shume levizje pasi eshte buze rruges dhe me shume popullsi, ka hapsiren e vet te parkingut,gjithashtu ka edhe fasade Xhami perpara prej 7m. Eshte e mobiluar sepse me pare ka funksionuar si lokal dhe ka te gjithe arredimin e nevojshem per zhvillimin e ketij aktiviteti si edhe nje tualet.Eshte e rikonstruktuar dhe e nirembajtur.
Qeraja: 800 Euro/ Muaji i panegociueshem
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In the street of the Dibra, at the united school is given space for rent with 70 m2 of mortgage. The space is suitable for office, hairdresser, mini-market etc. The area where there are many moves since it is the edge of the street and more population, has its own parking space, also has a facade of 7m front. It is furnished because it has functioned as a local and has all the furniture necessary for the development of this activity as well as a toilet. It was reconstructed and maintained.
For a property visit and more details contact us:
Price: 800 Euro
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona