Ne qender te Tiranes, me pamje nga sheshi Skenderbej dhe pothuajse gjithe zonat rreth e rrotull gjer tek kodrat e liqenit, jepet me qera apartament 3+1. Apartamenti eshte i mobiluar me stil bashkohor modern, ka siperfaqen 200 m2 dhe ndodhet ne katin e 12, dhe ka nje ballkon te madh gje e cila ben te mundur ndricimin e apartamentit gjate gjithe kohes. Organizohet me disa ambjente por kryesisht 3 dhoma gjumi, salloni shum i madh, guzhina dhe 2 tualete. Apartamenti ju siguron parking brenda nderteses ku ndodhet dhe ka sistem ngrohje dhe ftohje qendrore. Gjithcka brenda dhe jashte apartamentit eshte me standart evropian dhe shume cilesor.
Qeraja: 2000 Euro / Muaji
Per me nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In the centre of Tirana, overlooking Skenderbej Square and almost all areas around the lake hills, rent a 3 + 1 apartment. The apartment is furnished in modern contemporary style, has 200 m2 of space and is located on the 12th floor, and has a large balcony which makes it possible to illuminate the apartment at all times. The apartment provides parking inside the building where it is located and has central heating and cooling system. Everything inside and outside the apartment is of a European and highly quality standard.
Price: 2000 Euro / Month
For a visit to the property contact us:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona