Shume prane 21 Dhjetorit, pas konvikteve tek Inxhinjeria e ndertimit jepet me qera kati i pare siper dyqaneve i nje shtepie private. Shtepia organizohet nga 5 ambjente, 2 dhoma gjumi, salloni, guzhina, ballkoni me hapsire te madhe, tualeti dhe korridori. I gjithe kati ka siperfaqen prej 130 m2. Shtepia ka hapsire jashte dhe per parkim makine. Ndodhet ne zone te qete dhe shume prane stacioneve urbanistike. E pershtatshme per familje te medha. Eshte e mobiluar me te gjitha pajisjet e nevojshme per nje shtepi.
Qeraja: 400 mije leke / muaji
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Very close to 21 December, after dormitories in Construction Engineering is for rent the first floor above the shops of a private house. The house is organized by 5 environments, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, large balconies, toilet and corridor. The entire floor has a surface of 130 m2. The house has outside space and parking space. It is located in a quiet area and very close to urban stations. Suitable for large families. It is furnished with all the necessary equipment for a home.
Price: 300 Euro / Month
For a visit to the property contact us at:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona