Jepet me QERA godine biznesi ne Sauk

Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image
    800 m2
    bedroom 0 bedrooms
    bathroom 0 baths
    Price negotiable 0
    year_built: 0
 Godina ndodhet ne buze te rruges nacionale Tirane-Elbasan (ne Sauk), vetem 10 minuta nga qendra e Tiranes. Zona ku ndodhet objekti eshte i sigurte dhe ndodhet prane institucioneve te tilla si: banka si BKT, Raiffeisen Bank, Banka NOA, Fondi Besa, etj. dhe institucione te tjera.
Parkingu: Ne krah te objektit eshte nje korsi rruge e dedikuar per parking. Gjithashtu ka hapesire parkimi brenda oborrit dhe ne katin nentoke, ne total mund te parkohen rreth 10-15 automjete. 
Siperfaqja e shfrytezimit: Objekti eshte 5 kate, nga te cilat 1 kat eshte nentoke. Siperfaqja bruto e objektit eshte 1000 m2. Siperfaqja neto e objektit eshte 800 m2 (160 m2/kat).               
Fasilitetet: Objekti eshte i ndertuar rishtazi me punime shume cilesore dhe eshte i pershtatshem per biznese te ndryshme si banka, zyra, call center, klinike, outlet etj. 
- Fasada e nderteses eshte e gjithe me xham.
- Objekti eshte i pajisur me ashensor,me sistem ngrohje-ftohje(chiller) dhe me tualete ne te gjitha katet.
- Cdo kat ka hapesire open space.
Qeraja: 4000 Euro / Muaji
Per me shume na kontaktoni ne: 
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email :

 The building is located on the edge of the Tirana-Elbasan National Road (in Sauk), only 10 minutes from the centre of Tirana. The area where the facility is located is safe and located close to such institutions as banks such as BKT, Raiffeisen Bank, NOA Bank, Besa Fund, etc. and other institutions.
Parking: On the side of the building is a street lane dedicated to parking. There is also parking space in the yard and on the ground floor, in total there may be parked about 10-15 vehicles. Area of exploitation: The building is 5 floors, of which 1 floor is underground. The gross surface of the building is 1000 m2. · The net surface of the building is 800 m2 (160 m2 / floor). Facilities: The facility is newly built with high-quality work and is suitable for various businesses such as banks, offices, call centres, clinics, outlets etc.
- The facade of the building is all glazed.
- The building is equipped with the elevator, with cooling system (chiller) and with toilets on all floors.
- Each floor has open space.
Rent: 4000 Euro/Month
For more information contact us:
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email :
  • Me ashensorMe ashensor
  • Me garazhMe garazh
  • Me hipotekëMe hipotekë
  • Me kondicionerMe kondicioner
  • Me verandëMe verandë
  • Sistem ngrohjeSistem ngrohje
  • Tualet me dritareTualet me dritare

 Eficenca Energjitike:

 Të dhëna të tjera
  • Nr. Referencës: TR 0051 KR
  • Kati Nr.: 5
  • Nr i Dhomave: 0


Jepet me QERA godine biznesi ne Sauk DBC_PURPOSE_RENT
Price negotiable
address: Sauk
city: në Sauk
state_province: Tiranë
Nga Data: -


2 + 2 = ?

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