SHITET apartament 2+1 tek Botaniku

Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image
    122 m2
    bedroom 2 bedrooms
    bathroom 1 baths
    125,000 €
    year_built: 0
 Ne nje zone shume te bukur sic eshte Botaniku, shitet apartament 2+1 me siperfaqe hipotekore 122 m2. Apartamenti ka  pamjen nga kopshti botanik, dhe eshte komplet i rikonstruktuar. Eshte i organizuar pothuajse ne 8 ambjente nder te cilat 2 jane dhoma gjumi, 3 depo, guzhina e cila eshte 40 m2, tualeti dhe nje ballkon te shtrire perreth gjithe apartamentit. Salloni ka nje fasade muri te terin prej xhami gje e cila ben te mundur ndricimin e gjithe shtepise dhe pamja eshte mbreselenese dhe clodhese. Si ballkoni ashtu dhe gjitha dritare kane orientimin nga kopshti botanik. Eshte i mobiluar me stil bashkohor.
Cmimi: 125.000 Euro
Cmimi eshte i diskutueshem sepse nuk eshte bere akoma rivleresimi.
Per nje vizite ne prone, na kontaktoni ne kete:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

 In a beautiful area such as Botanik, is for sale a 2 + 1 apartment with 122 m2 of living space. The apartment has a view of the botanical garden and is completely reconstructed. It is organized in almost 8 environments, of which 2 are bedrooms, 3 depot, 40 m2 kitchen, toilet and a balcony spread around the entire apartment. The salon has a glass facade which enables the lighting of the entire house and the appearance is impressive and enjoyable. Both the balcony and all windows have orientation from the botanical garden.
Price: 125.000 Euro
The price is negotiable because there is still no re-evaluation.
For a visit to the property, contact us at:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona
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 Eficenca Energjitike:

 Të dhëna të tjera
  • Nr. Referencës: TR 0386 A2
  • Kati Nr.: 3
  • Nr i Dhomave: 2+1


SHITET apartament 2+1 tek Botaniku DBC_PURPOSE_SALE
125,000 €
address: Kopshti Botanik
city: Kopshti Botanik
state_province: Tiranë


4 + 5 = ?

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