Ne rrugen Shyqyri Brari, ne rruge kryesore jepet me qera ndertese 3 kateshe. Eshte e ndertuar nga nje siperfaqe prej 220m2 cdo kat dhe 1000m2 truall. Vila eshte e organizuar ne menyre te tille qe te lejon njesi sherbimi te ndryshme si, aktivitet tregetar,zyre,lokal ,magazine. Per nje informacion me te detajuar dhe nje vizite ne prone kontaktoni ne
Nr 0698095095

In Shyqyri Brari Street, on the main road is rented 3 storey building. It is constructed with an area of 220m2 each floor and 1000m2 of land. The villa is organized in such a way that it allows the various service units such as, business, office, local, magazine. For more detailed information and a visit to the property contact us
Nr 0698095095