Prane stacionit te fundit te Tiranes se re, ne rrugen Irfan Tomini, jepet me qera kati i dyte i nje Vile. Ka nje siperfaqe te bollshme prej 100 m2, me strukture 2+1. I organizuar ne dy dhoma gjumi, salloni i madh, guzhina, 1 tualet me dritare dhe verande rreth shtepise. Ka oborr te bollshem qe te krijon mundesin per te parkuar makinen, por dhe per tu relaksuar. Ndodhet ne nje zone te qete dhe shume prane stacioneve urbanistike apo zona te tjera te njohura. I mobiluar me pajisje bashkohore gjer ne detaje me kondicioner etj.
Qeraja: 350 Euro / Muaji
Per nje vizite ne prone e me shume detaje na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Next, to the new station of Tirana, Irfan Tomini, is for rent the second floor of a villa. It has an abundant surface of 100 m2, with structure 2 + 1. Organized in two bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, 1 bathroom with window and veranda around the house. There is a generous yard to create the opportunity to park the car, but also to relax. It is located in a quiet area and very close to urban stations or other well-known areas. Furnished with contemporary amenities up to the details, with air conditioner ect.
Rent: 350 Euro / Month
For a property visit and more details contact us at:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona