Ne rrugen e Kavajes, prane qendres Globe shitet nje apartament 2+1 me siperfaqe hipotekore 108 m2, dhe ndodhet ne nje godine te re me ashensor ne katin e parafundit te saj. Apartamenti eshte i oragnizuar ne
: nje dhome ndenje e bashkangjitur me nje koridor prej 4m, ambjent gatimi me vehte, dy dhoma gjumi, si dhe dy tualete. Me nje orientim mjaft te mire dhe te ndricuar gjate gjithe harkut kohor te dites, e ben kete apartament mjaft terheqes dhe te kerkuar. Pozicioni buze rruges kryesore te jep lehtesimin per komunikimin me te shpejte me zonat me te mira dhe me te frekuentuara te Tiranes, si me transportin urban ashtu edhe te rrugeve kembesore.
Cmimi: 85000 Euro
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni:
: 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com
In Kavaja Street, near Globe Center is sold a 2 + 1 apartment with 108 m2 of habitable surface, and is located in a new building with elevator on its first floor. The apartment is furnished in: a living room attached to a 4m corridor, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and two toilets. With a very good orientation and lighting throughout the daylight, make this apartment very attractive and demanding. The main street corner provides easy access to the fastest communication with the best and most frequented areas of Tirana, both with urban transport and pedestrian routes.
Price: 85000 Euro.
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com