Jepet me qera per zyra, nje apartament i pabanuar asnjehere me strukture 2+1. Hapesira 106 metra katrore, ne katin e 4 te nje ndertese te re e moderne te Zogu i Zi. Apartamenti eshte 2+1, me 1 banje dhe dy ballkone, orientimi perendim. Duke qene ne nje zone shume te favorshme dhe me punime shume cilesore, apartamenti eshte shume i pershtatshem per zyra avokatie, klinike dentare dhe gjithcka tjeter. Mundesi marrjeje me qera te ambienteve te ngjashme ne dy katet e meposhtme te pallatit.
Cmimi 350 euro/muaji.
Per me shume na Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Lease for office, an uninhabited apartment never. The 106 sqm area, on the 4th floor of a new and modern building in Zogu i Zi. The apartment is 2 + 1, with 1 bath and two balconies, orientation west. Being in a very favourable area and with very high-quality work, the apartment is very suitable for law offices, dental clinics and everything else. The possibility of renting similar premises in the following two floors of the building.
Price 350 euros / month.
For more information Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona