Prane Globit shitet nje apartament 2+1
Apartamenti ka siperfaqe hipotekore 76 m2. Apartamenti organizohet ne 2 dhoma gjumi, 1 sallon, ballkon dhe 1 tualet. Apartamenti ka orientimin nga jugu. Ka punime shume cilesore dhe shitet bosh pa mobilje.
Shitet: 83600 Euro.
Per nje vizite ne apartament na kontaktoni:
Next, to Globit is for sale a 2 + 1 apartment
The apartment has 76 m2 of living space. The apartment is organized in 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, balcony and 1 toilet. The apartment has south orientation. It has many quality works and is sold empty without furniture.
Price: 83 600 Euro.
For a visit to the apartment contact us:
Cel. 0698095095