rane kryqezimit te Laprakes ne rruge kryesore, shitet Dyqan prej 2 katesh me siperfaqe totale hipotekore 240 m2. Godina eshte dubleks me pamje nga rruga kryesore. Perpara eshte e gjitha me fasade xhami. Kati i pare eshte 60 m2 dhe lidhet me katin e dyte nepermjet shkalleve te brendshme. Kati i dyte eshte 180 m2. Dyqani dubleks eshte i pershtatshme per cdo lloj aktiviteti biznesi. Per dyqan, klinike, filiale banke, zyra qendrore, mund te transformohet ne nje lokal shume te bukur. Ka tualet, sallon te madh, dhe orientimi qe ka ben te mundur ndricimin e gjithe godines gjate gjithe kohes. Mund te shitet dhe vetem kati i dyte, i cili pervec shkalleve te brendshme ka dhe shkalle te jashtme te pavarura nga kati i pare.
Cmimi i m2 te katit te dyte eshte: 1050 Euro m2. Cmimi total: 336000 Euro
Per nje vizite ne prone, na kontaktoni ne kete:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

Next to the Laprakes crossroads on the main street, is sold Storehouse of 2 floors with total mortgage surface 240 m2. The building is duplex overlooking the main road. The front is all with glass facade. The first floor is 60 m2 and is connected to the second floor via internal stairs. The second floor is 180 m2. The duplex shop is suitable for any business activity. For a shop, clinic, bank branch, head office, it can be transformed into a very nice bar. There is a toilet, large living room, and orientation that makes it possible to illuminate all the buildings at all times. Only the second floor can be sold, which, apart from the internal staircase, has independent staircases from the first floor.
The m2 price of the second floor is 1050 Euro m2.
Total Price: 336000 Euro
For a visit to the property, contact us at:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com