Afer Drejtorise se policise, shume prane bllokut, qendres dhe ne rruge kryesore shitet ambjent biznesi me siperfaqe hipotekore 55 m2. Ka qene me pare lokal, dhe tani eshte kthyer ne dyqan i dhene me qera. Eshte komplet i restauruar me punime cilesore dhe gipse. Ka 1 tualet dhe nje aneks te vogel. Ambjenti eshte shum i mire per te zhvilluar nje aktivitet biznesi ne te: per bar, parukeri, dyqan, qender estetike, fastfood dhe zyra etj. Ndodhet ne katin 0.
Cmimi: 240.000 Euro (i diskutueshem)
Per me shume na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

Near the Police Directorate, near the block, the centre and in the main street is for sale one business area with 55 m2 mortgage space. It has been local and has now been rented. It is completely restored with quality work and plaster. There are 1 toilet and a small annexe. The environment is very good to develop a business activity in: for the bar, hairdresser, shop, aesthetic centre, fast food and office etc. Located on floor 0.
Price: 240.000 Euro (negotiable)
For more information contact us:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com