Ne zonen e ish parkut te autobuzave shitet apartament me siperfaqe hipotekore 107 m2, pallat i ri dhe ndodhet ne katin 3 te nje ndertese 8 kateshe me ashensor. Apartamenti ka strukturen e nje 3+1, e ndare ne dy dhoma gjumi, nje dhome ndenje, kuzhina me vete, dy ballkone, nje tualet dhe nje korridor prej 5 m. Eshte nje apartament totalisht i mire arreduar,me mobilim dhe pajisje bashkekohore,totalisht i riinvestuar, me pllaka te reja, me sistem ngrohjftohje, punime teper cilesore dhe ekstra, sistem mbrojtes kunder insekteve, dhe me e vecanta e ketij apartamenti pervecse ndricimit te bollshem gjate gjithe harkut ditor,eshte se dhoma matrimoniale dhe ajo e ndenjes kane ballkon me vehte.Teper e ngrohte ne dimer edhe e fresket ne vere, kjo e mundur prej orientimit fantastik qe ka ky apartament. Mobilimi i perfshire ne cmim.
Shitet: 95000 Euro
Per me shum hollesira dhe nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni:
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

In the area of the former bus park is sold 107m2 flat, new apartment building and is located on the 3rd floor of a 8 storey building with lift.The apartment has a 3+1 structure, divided into two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, two balconies, a toilet and a 5m corridor. It is a fully furnished apartment with modern furniture and appliances, totally reinvested, with new tiles, with heating / cooling system, high quality work and extra, insect protection system, and the most special of this apartment, except for lighting high throughout the day, is that the matrimonial room and the living room have a balcony with them. The warmest in winter is fresh in summer, this is possible from the fantastic orientation that this apartment has. Furniture included in the price
Price: 95000 Euro
For more details and a visit to the property contact us:
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com