Ne zonen e Kombinatit shitet shtepi me toke. Siperfaqja totale eshte 270 m2. Shtepia eshte 2 kateshe, dhe e organizuar me 4 dhoma, 2 korridore, sallon dhe guzhine, 1 tualet dhe veranda. Ka oborr, dhe pak toke rreth e perqark. Eshte me dokumentacion te rregullt. Per ata qe duan qetesine dhe nje oborr te vogel privat, kjo shtepi eshte e pershtatshme dhe me nje cmim jo shum te larte.
Shitet: 70.000 Euro
Per nje vizite ne prone dhe me shume detaje na kontaktoni:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

In the area of Kombinat sold land with land. The total area is 270 m2. The house is 2 storeys and has 4 rooms, 2 corridors, living room and kitchen, 1 toilet and veranda. There are a yard and a bit of land around it. It is with regular documentation. For those who want tranquillity and a small private yard, this house is suitable and at a very low price.
For sale: 70.000 Euro
For a property visit and more details contact us:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com