Prane Brrylit tek Ministria e Jashtme, shitet nje ambjent komercial me siperfaqe hipotekore 68 m2. Ka sherbyer si bar-restorant ndaj shitet me gjitha pajisjet. Ka dhe ambjent te jashtem te shfrytezueshem. Ambjenti ndodhet prane shume institucioneve, gje te cilen ben qe te kete klientele te perhershme. Eshte zone shume e populluar dhe strategjik per te zhvilluar nje biznes te caktuar. Sherben per bar, restorant, dyqan, klinik, zyra etj.
Shitet: 180.000 Euro i negociueshem
Per nje vizite ne prone dhe me shume detaje na kontaktoni:
Kontakt : +355 698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

Next to Brryli at the Foreign Ministry, commercial space is sold with a 68 m2 mortgage area. So far has served as a bar-restaurant for sale with all equipment. There is also a usable external space. The facility is located close to many institutions, which makes it a permanent clientele. It is a very populous and strategic area to develop a certain business. For bar, restaurant, shop, clinic, office etc.
Sell: 180.000 Euro Negotiable
For a property visit and more details contact us:
Kontakt : +355 698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com