Ne autostraden Durres - Tirane, prane karburant Elda, jepet kapanon me qira. Ambjent komercial eshte i organizuar me disa ndertesa: Kapanon tip oficine, nje ndertese 3 kateshe dhe disa ndertesa te vogla me cati. Siperfaqja totale e saj eshte: 2000 m2. Siperfaqja e ndertimit te kapanonit eshte 300 m2. Ndertesat e vogla me cati jane nga 240 m2. Ndersa ndertesa 3 kateshe eshte 76 m2 per kat. E gjithe kjo siperfaqe me keto ndertesa eshte shume e pershtatshme per zhvillimin e nje aktiviteti: per magazina, oficine, servis etj.
Qeraja: 2500 Euro / Muaji
Per nje vizite ne prone dhe me shume detaje na kontaktoni:
Kontakt : +355 698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

In the Durres - Tirana highway, near the Elda fuel station, a rental depot is provided. Commercial space is organized with several buildings: Typical office block, a 3 storey building and several small buildings with the roof. Its total area is 2000 m2. The surface of the silos is 300 m2. Small buildings with roofs are from 240 m2. The 3-storey building is 76 m2 per floor. All this surface with these buildings is very suitable for the development of activity: for warehouses, offices, service, etc.
Rent: 2500 Euro / Month
For a property visit and more details contact us:
Kontakt : +355 698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com