Prane kopshtit zoologjik ne nje nga rruget kryesore, shitet lokal me nje siperfaqe prej 170 m2, i pajisur me dokumentacion te rregullt hipotekor. Ndodhet ne katin e pare dhe shitet me gjithe pajisjet qe ka brenda. Ndodhet ne nje nga zonat me te kerkuara te Tiranes ne te cilen ndodhen blloqe lokalesh me frekuentim te larte. Lokali eshte i arreduar ne menyre te kendshme dhe bashkohore, me punime mjaft cilesore e parametra te kohes. Eshte funksional me te gjithe aksesoret dhe pajisjet e nevojshme per bar/restorant. Ambienti shitet si njesi dhe si biznes. Gjithashtu jepet dhe me qira 700 Euro / Muaji.
Shitet: 180.000 Euro
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni:
Cel. 0698095095

Next to the zoo in one of the main streets, is sold with 170 m2 of living space, equipped with regular mortgage documentation. It is located on the first floor and is sold with all the equipment inside. It is located in one of the most sought-after areas of Tirana, in which are located blocks of high frequencies. The premises are well-furnished and contemporary, with high-quality work and time settings. It is functional with all the necessary accessories and equipment for the bar/restaurant. The environment is sold as a unit and as a business. Also rented is 700 Euro / Month.
Price: 180.000 Euro
For a site visit contact us:
Cel. 0698095095