Apartament 1+1 per shitje ne zonen e Misto Mames.
Brenda cmimit perfshihet edhe nje Garazh. Apartamenti eshte i ri dhe ka siperfaqe te konsiderueshme prej 72 m2. Ndodhet ne katin e 6 te nje pallati 8 katesh. Pothuajse punimet brenda tij kane mbaruar. Eshte i organizuar me 1 dhome gjumi, 1 dhome ndenjeje bashke me guzhinen, ballkon dhe 1 tualet. Pallati ka ashensor i cili do te vendoset keto dite. Apartamenti ka nje pamje shume te mire, pasi shikon komplet nga Dajti. Ndodhet ne zone te qete dhe eshte ne proces legalizimi. 40.000 euro.
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Apartment 1+1 for sale in Misto Mame area.
With the price is included a Garage. The apartment is new and has a considerable surface area of 72 m2. It is located on the 6th floor of an 8-storey building. Almost the works inside it are over. It is organized with 1 bedroom, 1 living room with kitchen, balcony and 1 toilet. The palace has an elevator which will be installed these days. The apartment has a very good view, as it looks completely from Dajti. It is located in a quiet area and is in the process of legalization.
Price: 40.000 Euro
For a visit to the property contact us:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona