Ne autostraden Lushnje-Fier, ne zonen Dushk, shitet restorant me siperfaqe ndertimi 300 m2. Restoranti ndodhet brenda nje trualli toke prej 500 m2 dhe 2 dynym toke e mbjelle me peme arre ne kodrine. Restoranti eshte me dokumentacion te rregullt dhe ka leje ndertimi per 3 kate. Shitet i kompletuar bashke me gjitha pajisjet qe ka brenda. Ka dhe dy pishina dhe ullishte qe e bejne ambjentin shume relaksues dhe terheqes per klientelen. Me pak restaurim, mund te kthehet ne nje oaz te vertete.
Per me shume na kontaktoni:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email :

In the Lushnje-Fier highway, in Dushk area, a restaurant with 300 m2 of the surface is for sale. The restaurant is located on a land plot of 500 m2 and 2 acres of land planted with walnut trees in the foothills. The restaurant is with regular documentation and has a construction permit for 3 floors. Complete sale together with all the equipment inside. There are also two swimming pools, olive groves and oases that make the environment very relaxing and attractive to the clientele.
For more information contact us:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email :