Prane Vasil Shantos, ne rruge dytesore jepet ambjent me qera me siperfaqe prej 30 m2 me dokumentacion te rregullt. Ndodhet ne katin 0, dhe eshte i pershtatshem kryesisht per zyra: kontabiliteti, avokatie, internet, konsulence, qender estetike etj. Ka tualet dhe nje faqe muri komplet me fasade xhami rreth 6 m. Ka tavan te larte dhe i pajisur me qepen sigurie.
Qeraja: 20.000 Leke (te reja)
Per me shume na kontaktoni:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Next to Vasil Shantos, in the secondary street is rented space of 30 m2 with regular documentation. It is located on floor 0 and is suitable mainly for the office: accounting, advocacy, internet, consulting, esthetic centre etc. There is a toilet and a complete wall panel with 6 m glass facade.
Price: 150 Euro
For more information contact us:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona