Ne rrugen e Dibres prane Selvise, jepet me qera nje ambjet dublex me siperfaqe hipotekore 90 m2. Ambjenti eshte i pershtatshem per Filiale Banke, Super Market, Zyra Qendrore etj..Zona ku ndodhet ka shume levizje pasi eshte buze rruges dhe me shume popullsi, ka hapsiren e vet te parkingut,gjithashtu ka edhe fasade Xhami perpara prej 4m. E vecanta e ketij ambjenti eshte se ka dy hyrje,nje nga rruga kryesore dhe nje nga ana e brendshme e pallatit e cila eshte menduar te sherbeje si magazine ose zyre personale.E ndricuar dhe e mirembajtur.
Qeraja: 1350 Euro / Muaji i panegociueshem
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona
In the street of Dibra near Selvia, rent a duplex environment with 90 m2 mortgage. The area is suitable for Bank branches, Super Market, Central Office, etc. The area where there are many moves since it is road side and with more population, has its own parking space, also has a front facade of 4m. The uniqueness of this environment is that there are two entrances, one of the main street and one interior of the palace which is supposed to serve as a magazine or personal office. Illuminated and maintained.
For a property visit and more details contact us:
Price: 1350 Euro
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona