Ne Tirane prane Hotel Doro City
SHITET apartament
1+1 me siperfaqe totale
62 m2. Pallati ka ashensor dhe apartamenti eshte totalisht i mobiluar si dhe eshte shume i pershtatshem per cifte te reja. Apartamenti disponon gjithashtu dhe kondicionere ne cdo ambjent.
54.000 euroPer cdo informacion kontaktoni ne:
0684109062E-mail: andrea.koka@infoprona.com

In Tirana close to Hotel Doro City SHITET 1 + 1 apartment with total surface 62 m2. The building has a lift and the apartment is fully furnished and is very suitable for new couples. The apartment also has air conditioner in every room.
Price 54.000 euros
For any information contact us at:
Cel. 0684109062
E-mail: andrea.koka@infoprona.com