Ne periferi te Vlores vetem 5 minuta larg nga qyteti, shitet Biznes 3-katesh. Biznesi ndodhet ne nje kodrine shume te bukur, gje e cila te lejon fushe-pamje komplet nga deti.
Kati i pare eshte fabrike vaji 150 m2.
Kati i dyte eshte baxho 150 m2
Kati i trete eshte bar restorant prej 200 m2 siperfaqe.
Ne krah te biznesit jane hedhur shtesa te cilat jane me siperfaqe rreth 150 m2 per 9 kate shtese. Biznesi ndodhet afer nje rruge kryesore e cila eshte ne ndertim e siper dhe kalon direkt poshte biznesit. Vendi ku ndodhet eshte me prespektive si per pozicionin ku ndodhet dhe pamjen nga deti gje e cila e ben shume te pershtatshem per te ndertuar hotel kompleks te cilen e favorizojne per te patur klientele gjate gjithe kohes dhe vitit.
Cmimi eshte okazion, dhe shitet per arsye shendetesore.
Biznesi eshte me Hipoteke. Ndersa shtesat jane ne proces legalizimi.
Shitet: 300.000 Euro
Per me shume informacion na kontaktoni:
Cel. 0698095095

Near Vlora Vlora only 5 minutes away from the city, is for sale the 3-storey business. The business is located on a very beautiful hill, which allows for a complete view of the sea.
The first floor is a 150 m2 oil plant.
The second floor is a dairy 150 m2
The third floor is a restaurant bar of 200 m2.
On the side of the business are added additions which are with an area of about 150 m2 for 9 additional floors. The business is located near the main road that is under construction and goes directly down the business. The place where it is located is more prosperous than for the position where it is and the view from the sea which makes it very suitable to build a complex of hotels that favour having clients all the time and year.
The price is occasion, and sold for health reasons.
Price: 300.000 Euro
For more information contact us:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com