Ne Tirane prane qendres Globe
SHITET apartament
2+1 me siperfaqe totale
130 m2.
Apartamenti i cili perbehet nga dy dhoma gjumi, dhome per dy femije, soxhorno me oxhak,kuzhine gatimi,tualet me dritare si dhe dy ballkone eshte i mobiluar ne menyre luksoze dhe eshte i shtruar me parket druri. Apartamenti ne cdo ambjent ka kondicionere si dhe eshte i orientuar nga jugu,gjithashtu ka dhe nje verande shplodhese.
Vendodhja strategjike e ben te aksesueshem ne te gjitha drejtimet.
147.000 euroKontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In Tirana close to the Globe Center SOLD apartment 2 + 1 with total surface 130 m2. The apartment consists of two bedrooms, a room for two children, a fireplace, a kitchen, a kitchen with a window and two balconies. It is luxuriously furnished and is paved with wooden flooring. The apartment in every room is air conditioned and is oriented south, also has a relaxing veranda.
Its strategic location makes it accessible in all directions.
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona