Ne zonen prane 21 Dhjetorit, prane inxhinjerise jepet nje ambjent me qera. Eshte kati 0 i nje shtepie private. Ka siperfaqe hipotekore prej 60 m2. Ka 1 tualet brenda dhe mundesi parkimi jashte. Me pare ka qene katering. E pershtatshme per cdo lloj aktiviteti tregtar, zyre, katering, parukeri etj.
Qeraja: 300 Mije Leke / Muaji
Per me shume na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

In the area near the 21st of December, there is a rented space near the building. It's the 0th floor of a private house. It has 60 m2 of living space. There is 1 toilet inside and parking possibilities outside. Previously it was catering. Suitable for any kind of commercial activity, office, catering, hairdressing etc.
Price: 230 Euro for month
For more information contact us:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com