Ne Tirane Tek ish Nshrak-u ne pallat te ri me ashensor
SHITET apartament
2+1 me siperfaqe totale
85 m2 .Apartamenti ka orentim nga jugu ku e rreh gjithe diten drita dhe dielli dhe eshte i perbere nga dy dhoma gjumi,ambjenti i ndenjes dhe kuzhina,nje tualet dhe nje ballkon.Shitet i mobiluar vetem me kuzhinen e gatimit.
68.000 euroPer cdo informacion kontaktoni ne
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In Tirana In the former Nshrak in the new apartment building with elevator SPACE 2 + 1 apartment with 85 m2 of living space. The apartment is orientated from the south where it blows all day light and sun and is composed of two bedrooms, living room and kitchen, a toilet and a balcony. It is only furnished with cooking utensils.
Price 68.000 euros
For any information contact us
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona