Ne kilometrin e 7-te te Autostrades Durres - Tirane ne zonen industriale prane Hotel Delta Event
SHITET toke me siperfaqe
10.000 m2. Toka eshte shume prane autostrades dhe komunikon me te me rruge te asfaltuar. Eshte shume e pershtatshme per te ndertuar kapanone industriale,magazina apo cdo lloj biznesi tjeter.
Cmimi ne lidhje me zonen eshte shume i favorshem.
Toka disponon dokumentacion te rregullt dhe certifikate pronesie.
350.000 euro.Per cdo informacion kontaktoni ne:
0684109062E-mail andrea.koka@infoprona.com

In the 7th kilometer of the Durres Highway - Tirana in the industrial zone near the Hotel Delta Event
is for sale Land with surface of
10.000 m2. The land is very close to the highway and communicates with asphalt roads. It is very suitable for building industrial shelters, warehouses or any other business.
The price for the area is very favorable.
The land disposes of regular documentation and ownership certificate.
Price 350.000 euros.
For any information contact us at:
Cel: 0684109062
E-mail andrea.koka@infoprona.com