Ne fshatin Hamallaj 1 km larg detit,ne zone te qete dhe ajer te paster
2.000 m2. E pershtatshme per te ndertuar vile dhe per te pasur prodhime bujqesore bio.
Toka eshte e rrethuar dhe eshte e mbjelle me peme frutore dhe me manaferra te buta.
Toka eshte me dokumentacion te rregullt dhe certifikate pronesie.
36.000 euro.
Per cdo informacion me te hollsishem kontaktoni ne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In the hamlet of Hamallaj 1 km from the sea, in quiet area and clean air 2,000 m2 land.
Suitable for building villas and bio farming products.
The land is surrounded and is planted with fruit trees and soft berries.
Land is with regular documentation and ownership certificate.
Price 36.000 euro.
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona