Ne Tirane ne rrugen Sami Frasheri prane drejtorise se policise jepet me
QERA nje zyre me siperfaqe
50 m2. Zyra eshte e perbere nga dy ambjente dhe punimet ne te jane cilesore. Zyra disponon ndricim te bollshem,kondicioner dhe perde ne vetrate.
350 euro/muaj.
Per cdo informacion kontaktoni ne
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In Tirana, in the street Sami Frasheri near the police directorate is given RENT a office with 50 m2 surface. The office is made up of two environments and the works are quality. The office has plenty of light, air conditioner and curtains on the windows.
Price 350 euro / month.
For any information contact us
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona