Ne Tirane prane gjimnazit Partizani jepet me
QERA apartament 1+1.
Apartamenti qe eshte i mobiluar ne menyre shume cilesore dhe jo i banuar me pare ndodhet ne nje pallat te ri me punime cilesore. Pozicioni dhe qetesia qe ofron vendndodhja e ben apartamentin shume te pershtatshem ne komunikimin me mjet ose me kembe.
350 euro/muajPer cdo informacion kontaktoni ne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In Tirana, near the gymnasium, Partizani is rented with RENT a 1 + 1 apartment.
The apartment, which is very qualitative and not inhabited, is located in a new building with quality work. The location and quietness of the location makes the apartment very suitable for communication with a vehicle or walk.
Price 350 euro / month
For any information contact us at:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona