Jepet apartament me qera 1+1 me siperfaqe 97 m2
Apartamenti eshte i mobiluar shume mire, me te gjitha kushtet dhe pajisjet e nevojshme. Ka 1 sallon shume te madh, guzhine, dhomen e gjumit, banjon dhe ballkonin. Ndodhet ne nje zone ku shikon pothuajse gjithe Tiranen dhe vetem me kembe shkon ne lagjet me te njohura. I pajisur me kondicioner. Ndodhet ne katin e 8 te nje ndertese 12 kateshe, me ashensor.
Qeraja mujore: 450 Euro
Të interesuarit të kontaktojnë ne kete:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Apartment 1 + 1 for rent with 97 m2 of living space
The apartment is very well furnished, with all the necessary conditions and equipment. There is 1 big living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and balcony. It is located in a strategic area where it looks almost all of Tirana. Equipped with air conditioner. It is located on the 8th floor of a 12- building with elevator.
Monthly rent: 450 Euro
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona