Ne Tirane buze rruges Myslym Shyri jepet me
QERA ambjent me siperfaqe
160 m2.Ambjenti eshte i ndare ne dhoma me punime cilesore dhe eshte shume i pershtatshem per zyra, klinike mjeksore,klinike dentare dhe per aktivitete te natyrave te ndryshme.
1.300 euro|muajPer cdo informacion kontaktoni ne
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In Tirana, by the road Myslym Shyri is rented with space of 160 m2.
The room is divided into rooms of quality work and is very suitable for office, medical clinic, dental clinic and for activities of different nature.
Price € 1,300 | month
For any information contact us
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona