Ne Tirane prane fushes se Ali Demit
SHITET apartament me siperfaqe totale
107 m2. Apartamenti ndodhet ne nje pallat te ri te sapoperfunduar me punime cilesore dhe veshje termoizoluese e tipit kapote. Apartamenti ka ne perberjen e tij ambjentin e gatim ngrenie ndenjes, 3 dhoma gjumi, dy tualete si dhe dy baallkone panoramik.Gjithashtu ne cmim perfshihen dhe dy garazhde me siperfaqe 40 m2 si dhe nje dhome depo. Orientimi jug/lindje e ben apartamentin te kete gjate gjithe dites driten dhe ngrohtesine e diellit. Te gjitha ambjentet e apartamentit jane te shtruara me parket si dhe kane dyer cilesore druri si dhe vetrata termike plastike.
Apartamenti disponon Certifikate Pronesie.
Cmimi 115.000 euro.
Per cdo informacion kontaktoni ne
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In Tirana close to the Ali Demit plain area SOLD a total area of 107 m2. The apartment is located in a newly constructed new building with quality works and thermal insulation of the roof. The apartment has its own living room, 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms and two panoramic balconies. Also included are two garages with a surface of 40 m2 and a storage room. South / east orientation makes the apartment to have the light and warmth of the sun all day. All apartment buildings are paved with parquet flooring and have quality wood doors as well as plastic thermal windows.
The apartment has Certificate of Ownership.
Price 115.000 euros.
For any information contact us
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona