Ne nje zone shume afer qendres, vend strategjik shitet apartament 3+1, 93.7 m2 te hipotekuara, ne katin e 1. Eshte i organizuar me 2 dhoma gjumi, 1 sallon me hapsire te konsidrueshme, guzhina, korridori dhe 1 tualet. Apartamenti eshte i pershtatshem jo vetem per banim por dhe per ushtrimin e nje biznesi duke e kthyer ne zyra apo njesi sherbimi per aktivite te ndryshme. Eshte i ndricuar gjate gjithe kohes dhe eshte totalisht i mobiluar.
Cmimi: 110000 i diskutueshem
Per nje vizite ne prone kontaktoni ne kete:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In an area very close to the centre, strategic location is for sale one apartment 3 + 1, 93.7 m2 mortgage apartment, on the 1st floor. It is organized with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, kitchen, corridor and 1 toilet. The apartment is suitable not only for housing but also for doing a business by turning it into offices or service units for various activities. It is illuminated all the time.
Price: 110000 negotiable
For a site visit contact us here:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona