Tek 21 Dhjetori jepet apartament me qera 3+1
Ambjenti eshte fare prane kryqezimit, afer ambulances nr. 9. Eshte i organizuar ne nje salle te madhe me 2 ambjente te medha te pershtatshme per zyra, 2 tualete dhe 2 ballkone.
Eshte i pershtatshem per apartament banimi, zyra, call center, klinike etj.
Cmimi: 400 Euro / Muaji
Per me shume informacion jeni te lutur te na Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In the road 21 Dhjetori is for rent 3 + 1 apartment
Space is near the intersection, near ambulance no. 9. It is organized into a large hall with 2 large environments suitable for offices, 2 toilets and 2 balconies. It is suitable for residential apartment, office, call centre, clinic etc.
Price: 400 Euro / Month
For more information, please contact us:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona