Shume prane 21 dhjetorit, tek 100 vitrinat, shitet apartament 2+1, i cili ndodhet ne katin e 9-te te nje pallati 11 katesh. Pallati eshte me ashensor, dhe ka punime shume cilesore. Apartamenti eshte i organizuar me dy dhoma gjumi, salloni bashke me guzhinen, 1 tualet, korridor dhe ballkoni. Ka nje siperfaqe te bollshme prej 107 m2. Apartamenti eshte i mobiluar shume mire dhe me gjitha pajisje bashkohore. Eshte ne proces legalizimi.
Shitet: 110000 Euro

Near the 21 Dhjetori, at 100 vitrinat, is for sale a 2 + 1 apartment, located on the 9th floor of a 11-storey building. The palace is by elevator, and it has very good workmanship. The apartment is organized with two bedrooms, living room with kitchen, 1 toilet, corridor and balcony. It has an abundant surface of 107 m2. The apartment is very well furnished and with all modern equipment. It is in the process of legalization.
Price: 110000 Euro