Ne zonen e Komunes se Parisit, shitet dhe jepet me qera dyqan me siperfaqe te bollshme prej 70 m2 te hipotekuara. Eshte kati 0, ka tualet dhe eshte i pershtatshem per zhvillimin e nje biznesi te caktuar, si per dyqan, zyra, mini - market, parukeri etj. Eshte zone me shume levizje.
Cmimi: 72.000 Euro.
Qeraja: 30.000 Leke (te reja)
Per nje vizite ne prone, na kontaktoni ne kete:
Nr. tel. + 355 69 98095095

In the area of the Commune of Paris, is sold a shop with the abundant surface of 70 m2 of mortgages. It is floor 0, has a toilet and is suitable for the development of a particular business, such as shop, office, mini - market, hairdressing etc. It's in the area with a lot of movement.
Price: 72.000 Euro.
Rent: 250 Euro
For a visit to the property, contact us at:
Nr. tel. + 355 69 8095095