Ne zonen e Ali Demit, buze rruges kryesore, qe lidhet me Bulevardin e Ri shitet nje ambjent komercial me siperfaqe 56 m2. Ambjenti ka strukturen e Dubleksit dhe ndodhet ne katin 0 te nje pallati te ri te sapo perfunduar. Ambjenti ka punimet me cilesore ne treg, duke filluar nga parketi, muret me gipse, shkallet, dhe eshte komplet me fasade xhami perpara gje te cilen e ben shum te ndricuar. Ka tualet dhe ambjent te jashtem qe mund te shfrytezohet shume mire. Eshte me parking perpara dhe parking te brendshem ne pallat. Eshte me ndricim te plote dhe ajrosje natyrale i shtruar komplet me parket laminat plus aspirim. Ne proces legalizimi, pritet vetem verifikimi.
Shitet: 120.000 Euro
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakt : 0698095095
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In Ali Demit area, near the main street, connected to the New Boulevard, is for sale a commercial space with 56 m2 of space. The living room has the structure of Dubleks and is located on the 0th floor of a newly built palace. The environment has the finest works on the market, ranging from parquet, plaster walls, stairs, and is complete with glass facades, which makes it very illuminated. There is also outdoor space that can be used very well. It is with front parking and in-ground parking in the palace. It is fully illuminated and natural ventilation paved complete with laminate flooring plus aspiration. In the process of legalization, only verification is expected.
Sell: 120.000 Euro
For a visit to the property contact us at:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email :