Prane Vasil Shantos, ne rrugen Muhamet Gjollesha jepet apartament 3+1 me qera me siperfaqe 104 m2. Eshte i organizuar me 3 dhoma gjumi, salloni, guzhina, korridori, 1 tualet dhe 2 ballkone. Te gjitha dhomat jane te shtruara me parket, pervec guzhina e cila eshte me pllaka. Ndodhet ne katin 4 te pallatit. Apartamenti eshte i mobiluar me pajisjet kryesore, me rafte, komodina, tavolina pune, biblioteke, guzhinen, televizor, lavatrice dhe kondicioner ne sallonin e madh. Njera nga dhomat eshte e lidhur me ballkonin. Nje dhome eshte lene e pa mobiluar, kjo ne varesi te kerkeses se klientit. Eshte e pershtatshme per 4 vajza studente por qe jane te rregullta dhe per familjare. Apartamenti ndricohet nga dielli gjate gjithe kohes dhe ndodhet ne nje nga zonat me strategjike pasi lidhet ne rruge kembesore me lagjet me te njohura dhe eshte prane stacionit urbanistik dhe shkollave.
Qeraja: - 350 Euro/Muaji
Per me shume informacion rreth prones na kontaktoni:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Next, to Vasil Shantos, Muhamet Gjollesha Street is for rent 3 + 1 apartment, 104 m2. It is organized with 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, corridor, 1 toilet and 2 balconies. All the rooms are paved with parquet, though the kitchen is tiled. It is located on the 4th floor of the building. The apartment is furnished with main equipment, with shelves, dressing tables, work desks, library, kitchen, TV, washing machine and air conditioner in the big salon. One of the rooms is connected to the balcony. A room is left uncompleted, depending on the client's request. It is suitable for 4 student girls, but are regular and for family members. The apartment is illuminated by the sun at all times and is located in one of the most strategic areas because it connects to the pedestrian street with the most popular quarters and is near the urban station and schools.
Price: - 350 Euro / Month
For more information about the property contact us:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona