Pa shkuar tek zona qe quhet Treshi, afer ktheses Kamzes jepet nje apartament me punim shume cilesore 2+1 me qera. Apartamenti ndodhet ne katin 3-te te nje pallati me ashensor. Eshte i mobiluar me kushte bashkohore dhe me te gjitha pajisje te reja. Ka dhomen e gjumit, sallonin, korridorin, ballkon, 1 tualet dhe 1 dhome e cila eshte e kthyer ne garderobe. Apartamenti eshte i shtruar me parket druri. Vec te tjerash ka dhe lavastovilje. Eshte nder pallatet me cilesore ne ate zone dhe ndodhet prane Hotel Princ. Ka mundesi parkimi para pallatit dhe ndodhet afer stacionit urbanistik.
Qeraja: 300 mije Leke / Muaji
Per me shume informacion rreth prones na kontaktoni:
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email :

Near area called Treshi, close to Kamza turn is given a very qualitative 2 + 1 apartment for rent. The apartment is located on the 3rd floor of a building with elevator. It is furnished with contemporary conditions and with all new appliances. There is a bedroom, living room, corridor, balcony, 1 toilet and 1 room is turned into a wardrobe. The apartment is paved with wooden flooring. There is also a dishwasher among others. It is the quintessential palace in the area and is close to Hotel Princ.
Price: 230 Euro / Month
For more information about the property contact us:
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email :