Buze rruges kryesore qe shkon per ne Kombinat, jepet me Qera njesi sherbimi me siperfaqe totale 145 m2. Godina eshte e pershtatshme per Filiale Banke, Super Market, Zyra Qendrore etj. Nuk mungon asgje, me tualete, me zyra te vecanta, hapsira per punonjesit dhe me kondicioner. Ka fasade Xhami perpara prej 9 m. Zona ku ndodhet ka shume levizje pasi eshte buze rruge dhe me shume popullsi. Ka hapsiren e vet te parkingut perpara per disa makina. Kryesisht eshte perdorur nga Bankat.
Qeraja: 1500 Euro / Muaji i negociueshem
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

The main road leading to the Kombinat, is rented with a total area of 145 m2. The building is suitable for Bank branches, Super Market, Central Office etc. There is nothing missing, with toilets, with special offices, space for workers and air conditioner. There are glass facades in front of 9 m. The area where there is a lot of movement since it is street edge and more population. There is a parking space in front of some cars. It is mainly used by Banks.
Price: 1500 Euro / Month Negotiable
For a visit to the property contact us at:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona