Prane Liqenit te thate, shitet Dyqan me siperfaqe hipotekore 100 m2, kati 0. Dyqani aktualisht eshte i ndare ne dy ambjente qe perdoren per dyqane. Njera eshte 66 m2 dhe tjetra 34 m2. Kjo ju krijon mundesin per te blere qofte dhe vetem njerin nga ambjentet. Ambjenti ne total eshte i pershtatshem per cdo lloj aktiviteti: zyra, minimarket, klinike, piceri, njesi sherbimi etj. Ndodhet prane nje nga rruget kryesore. Vendndodhja qe ka e ben te jete teper i kerkuar pasi zona eshte ne zhvillim dhe ofron akses ne facilitete te shumta. Dyqani ka dhe shesh pushimi jashte rreth 70 m2 i shfrytezueshem per parkim etj.
Shitet: 120.000 Euro
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Near the dry Lake, is sold Shop with 100 m2 of living space, floor 0. The store is currently divided into two premises used for shops. One is 66 m2 and the other 34 m2. This gives you the opportunity to buy one and only one of the premises. The total space is suitable for any kind of activity: office, minimarket, clinic, pizzeria, service unit etc. It is located near one of the main roads. The shop also has a rest area of about 70 m2 which can be used for parking.
For sale: 120.000 Euro
For a visit to the property contact us:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona