Prane rrethrrotullimit te Zogut te Zi, jepet me qera apartament 1+1 me siperfaqe 56 m2. Apartamenti ndodhet ne pallat ekzistues dhe eshte totalisht i restauruar dhe totalisht i mobiluar me mobilje bashkekohore dhe te gjitha pajisjet e nevojshme elektro shtepiake. Apartamenti eshte i organizuar ne: nje dhome gjumi, nje dhome ndenje dhe nje tualet. Ndodhet ne nje nga zonat ne te frekuentuara te Tiranes dhe me shume levizje.
Cmimi: 300 Eurototali ne muaj
Per me shume detaje na kontaktoni:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

Next to the roundabout of Zogu i Zi, rent a 1 + 1 apartment with 56 m2 of living space. The apartment is located in the existing building and is totally restored and totally furnished with contemporary furniture and all necessary household appliances. The apartment is organized in: a bedroom, a living room and a toilet. It is located in one of the most frequented areas of Tirana and with many moves.
Price: 300 Euro Total
For more details contact us:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com