Prane Botanikut, jepet apartament 2+1 me qera. Eshte i organizuar me 2 dhoma gjumi, nje sallon bashke me guzhinen, 1 tualet dhe ballkonin. Ndodhet ne katin e pare te banimit siper dyqaneve. Eshte i mobiluar me kushte bashkohore.
Qeraja: 45000 Leke / Muaji
Per nje vizite ne prone dhe me shume detaje na kontaktoni:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

Near Botany Garden, is given 2 + 1 apartment for rent. It is organized with 2 bedrooms, a living room with kitchen, 1 toilet and a balcony. Located on the first floor of the residence above the shops. It is furnished with contemporary conditions.
Rent: 45000 Lek / Month
For a property visit and more details contact us:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com