Prane 21 Dhjetorit, shitet nje Dubleks me nje siperfaqe te bollshme prej 186 m2 te hipotekuara. Dubleksi eshte i pozicionuar ne dy katet e fundit 5 dhe 6. Dy katet lidhen me njera tjetren prej shkalleve te drurit te cilat i japin shume stil shtepise. Eshte i organizuar ne disa ambjente, 2 sallone ne 2 katet, 3 dhoma gjumi ku njera prej tyre ka dhe aneks, 2 guzhina dhe 3 tualete ku 2 prej tyre jane me dritare. Ka gjithashtu dhe 1 verande shume te madhe dhe 2 ballkone. Dubleksi eshte i pajisur dhe me panele diellore te cilat bejne te mundur kursimin e energjise si dhe pranine e ujit te ngrohte gjate gjithe kohes. Struktura e saj si dhe zona ku ndodhet e ben te justifikueshem cmimin qe ka. Eshte prane qendres, bllokut dhe unazes te cilat mund te arrihen shum lehte dhe ne rruge kembesore. Me dokumentacion te rregullt.
Shitet: 132.000 Euro
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

By area 21 Dhjetori, a Duplex is for sale with an abundant 186 m2 mortgage area. Duble is positioned on the last two floors 5 and 6. The two floors are connected to each other by stairs that give the house a lot of styles. It is organized in several environments, living room on 2 floors, 3 bedroom where one of them has an annexe, 3 toilets, 2 of which are with windows. There are also 1 large veranda and 2 balconies. Duble is equipped with solar panels that make energy saving as well as the presence of warm water at all times. Its structure and the area where it is makes it justifiable for its price. It is near the centre, the block and the ring which can be accessed easily and in pedestrian ways. With regular documentation.
For sale: 132.000 Euro
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com