Ne qytetin e Durresit, ne rruge nacionale shitet nje biznes me licence dhe dokumentacion te plote ligjor pike karburanti. Siperfaqja totale eshte 1740 m2, truall 1627 m2, me ndertese 113 m2. Karburanti eshte i perbere nga nje bar – kafe, tualeti dhe ambjent i jashtem. Ambjenti ndodhet ne vend strategjik, rruge e cila ka shume levizje, dhe ambjentet rreth e perqark jane ndihmese. Karburanti ju krijon mundesine qe te beni dhe nje mini - market per shitje vajrash makinash apo aksesor per makinat.
Te interesuarit te kontaktojne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In the city of Durres, in a national road is for sale a business with full license and legal documentation fuel. The total area is 1740 m2, land area 1627 m2, with 113 m2 building. Fuel is made up of a bar - café, toilet and outdoor space. The environment is located in a strategic location, a road that has many moves, and the surrounding areas are helpful. Fuel gives you the ability to do a mini-market for the sale of car oils or car accessories.
Contact interested:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona