Prane zones Selvise, vetem 5 minuta me rruge kembesore nga Qendra, jepet nje Vile 4 - kate me qera, e cila sherben jo vetem per banim por edhe per njesi sherbimi. Vila ka nje siperfaqe totale hipotekore prej 650 m2. Cdo kat eshte 150 m2 dhe eshte e organizuar me disa ambjente dhe nga 2 tualete secili kat. Vila pervec shkalleve te brendshme ka dhe shkalle te jashtme. Ne cdo kat ka vend pushimi dhe verande te madhe ku shikon pothuajse gjithe qendren e Tiranes. Kati i fundit eshte Papafingo e cila fare mire mund te kthehet ne nje kat banimi pasi eshte i organizuar ne disa dhoma, tualetet dhe veranden shum te madhe njekohesisht. E gjithe Vila ndricohet nga gjitha anet nga drita natyrale. Eshte shume e pershtatshme per zyra, filiale banke, call center, aktivitet tregtar, njesi sherbimi te natyrave te ndryshme dhe per banim.
Qeraja: 2000 Euro / Muaji
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email :

Near Selvia, only 5 minutes from the Center, is given a 4 - storey villa for rent, which serves not only for housing but also for service units. The villa has a total mortgage area of 650 m2. Each floor is 150 m2 and is organized with several environments and 2 toilets each floor. Villas apart from the internal stairs are also exterior stairs. On each floor, there is a resting place and a large veranda overlooking almost the centre of Tirana. The last floor is a loft that can easily turn into a living room because it is organized in several rooms, toilets and large veranda at the same time. The whole villa is illuminated from all sides by natural light. It is very suitable for offices, bank branches, call center, merchant activities, service units of various types and housing.
Rent: 2000 Euro / Month
For a visit to the property contact us at:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email :