Ne Qender prane 9-katesheve jepet me qera nje ambjent me siperfaqe hipotekore 45 m2 strukture 1+1 plus 1 tualet. Ndodhet ne katin e 2 banim te nje pallati me ashensor. Ambjenti ka punime shume cilesore, e shtruar me parket, me dritare te medha ku mund te hyje drita gjithe diten dhe i hidroizoluar. Ambjenti eshte totalisht bosh, ndaj eshte me shume i pershtatshem per: Zyra, laborator, parukeri, klinik, qender estetike por mund te pershtatet dhe per banim. Orientimin e ka komplet nga lindja. Pozicioni ku ndodhet e ben te aksesueshem shume lehte me zonat me te njohura dhe linjave urbanistike.
Qeraja: 300 Euro / Muaji (i diskutueshem)
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In Center near 9-katshet is for rent a 45 m2 1 + 1 plus 1 toilet. It is located on the 2nd floor of an elevator building. The living room has very good workmanship, paved with parquet, with large windows where light can be light all day and waterproof. Space is totally empty, so it is more suitable for: Office, laboratory, hairdressing, clinic, aesthetic centre but can also fit for housing. Orientation is complete from east. Its location makes it accessible very easily in the most popular areas and urban lines.
Price: 300 Euro / Month (negotiable)
For a visit to the property contact us:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona