Prane QSUT, afer spitali Amerikan 2, shitet nje apartament me siperfaqe 100 m2 te hipotekuara.Apartamenti eshte i organizuar: ne dhome ndenje, ambjent gatimi me vete,dy dhoma gjumi, nje tualet nje ballkon dhe koridor. Apartamenti ka orientimin veri-lindje me nje pamje mjafte panoramike nga ku ke mundesine te shohesh ballkonin e Dajtit dhe te shijosh lindjen e diellit,gje kjo qe i jep ndricim natyral ne te gjitha oret e dites.Apartamenti ndodhet ne katin e 5-te ne nje godine 7-kateshe te nje ndertimi te ri dhe buze rruges kryesore. I pabanuar me pare dhe me punime vertet cilesore. Ka vend per ashensor por i pavendosur ende.
Shitet: 74000 Euro.
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

Near QSUT, next to the American Hospital 2, a 100 m2 mortgageed apartment is sold. The apartment is organized in: living room, cooking space, two bedrooms, a balcony a corridor and an toilet. The apartment has a north-east orientation a panoramic view from where you can see the balcony of Dajti and enjoy the sunrise, which gives natural light at all times of the day.The apartment is located on the 5th floor in a 7-storey building of a new construction and edge of the main road. Uninhabited and with high quality works.There is room for elevator but still undecided.
Price: 74000 Euro.
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com