Ne Durres tek piceri 2 Engjejt
SHITET apartament
2+1 me siperfaqe totale
127 m2.Apartamenti ndodhet ne pallat te ri me ashensor dhe ka orientim nga jugu ku drita dhe ngrohtesia e diellit e shoqerojne gjate gjithe dites. Apartamenti perbehet nga ambjenti gatim+ngrenie+ndenje, 2 dhoma gjumi, 2 tualete dhe nje ballkon.
Apartamenti eshte i pajisur me Certifikate Pronesie.
65.000 euro.Per cdo informacion kontaktoni ne:

In Durres at the Pizzeria 2 Engines SALE 2 + 1 apartment with total surface 127 m2.
The apartment is located in the new building with lift and orientation from the south where the light and the warmth of the sun accompany it all day. The apartment consists of a cooking + dining + living area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a balcony.
The apartment is equipped with Certificate of Ownership.
Price 65.000 euros.
For any information contact us at:
Cel. 0698095095